Monday, November 24, 2014

Rilakkuma x Tower Records Cafe

From July 10 to August 17, Shibuya Tower Records Cafe were helding Rilakkuma theme.  When I first heard of this, I instantly wanted to go and try it, at least once.
First day when I tried to get in to cafe in the Shibuya's Tower Records building, only 1st floor was open and highest as well. I'm not 100% sure what was the reason why upper floors were closed but just to amuse ourselves we went to highest floor without actually taking notice what was in it...  (^^;) There were the exhibition going on about Alice nine. I don't remember the entrance price for sure but it was something like 500yen. Since I'm not anymore interested of Alice nine, I didn't even wanted to go in.

Another sunny and hot day, it were decided to give another shot for the cafe and as arriving to 1st floor, for my enjoyment people could enter once again to the Rilakkuma Cafe.

It was around midday we went there but had to wait to get in because cafe was full, even it didn't seem so. What I mean that there were quite a few free seats but maybe staff wanted to keep customers privacy  and not get anyone too close or something... Next to the entrance door there was placed HUGE Rilakkuma sitting in a chair. (It looked like fat lazy ass teddy bear.lolol)
Anyway, the wait was around 15mins to 30mins, not too long. As staff member guided us to table, she said that we had only 1 hour time to enjoy and eat.

It was so cute looking around the cafe.
I bought peach ice tea and these two lovely things. Don't remember exact prices but paid in total around 2500yen Quite expensive but it was worth of it. Both of those were delicious!

Kuva, jonka Urtsi (@urtsihell) julkaisi

Kuva, jonka Urtsi (@urtsihell) julkaisi

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